To Flower is to bloom. To Flower is to flourish. To Flower is to thrive. To Flower is to open up to the world. The Flower Energies in this vial include energies beyond the plant world that “Flower.”

Flower Energies vial

Flower Energies vial

Do not open this FE (Flower Energies) vial. Once opened the energy escapes and the vial becomes inert. As long as the vial is never opened, even if the water evaporates, the energy remains within the vial and available to work for you.

Indications: Flower Energies help enhance and strengthen Positive Qualities, and help correct Patterns of Imbalance. You may recognize Positive Qualities and Patterns of Imbalance within yourself.

Using Flower Energy Formulas

There are two ways to use Flower Energy Formulas:

1. Call the Flower Energy Formula by name (or keyword in name):
When a Formula is called by name Innate determines which Flower Energies are required.  Innate may substitute or add Flower from the Additional/Exchange Energies List.

2. Call individual Flower Energies listed by name.
Use Reflex Muscle Testing to determine any Formula additional/exchange Flowers from the Additional/Exchange Energies.


Energies: Angel’s Trumpet, Canyon Dudleya, Chicory, Mariposa Lily, Quince

Additional/Exchange Energies: Aloe Vera, Fawn Lily, Larkspur, Sunflower, Yarrow

Accident Prone

Energies: Calla Lily, Chrysanthemum, Gravenstein

Additional/Exchange Energies: Aloe Vera, Wild Oat, Willow


Energies: Blackberry, Chestnut Bud, Cocoa Flower, Dill

Additional/Exchange Energies: Curly Dock, Crab Apple, Yarrow


Energies: Clematis, Rosemary, Curly Dock

Additional/Exchange Energies: Hibiscus, Madia, Pecan

Special Instructions: Run Formula every other day for a minimum of 7 months for full effectiveness.

Energies: Chrysanthemum, Filaree, Oregon Grape, Sunflower


Energies: Basil, Bleeding Heart, Impatiens, Saguaro, Trillium


Energies: Angelica, Elm, Impatiens, Iris, Shasta Daisy

Additional/Exchange Energies: Beech, Chamomile, Holly, Mariposa Lily, Saint John’s Wort, Self-Heal, Yarrow, Yellow Star Tulip


Energies: Beetroot, Dill, Ginseng, Gorse, Rabbitbrush, Wild Rose


Energies: Baby Blue Eyes, Deerbrush, Manzanita, White Kukui

Anxiety and Stress

Energies: Canyon Dudleya, Fairy Lantern.


Energies: Dandelion, Dogwood, Flaxseed, Sticky Monkeyflower, Yellow Star Tulip

Attention Deficit Disorder(ADD)

Energies: Aloe Vera, Corn, Fuchsia, Shooting Star, Tansy, Yarrow

Attention Deficit/Hyperactivity Disorder (ADHD)

Energies: Alpine Lily, Chicory, Fuchsia, Hound’s Tongue, Yellow Star Tulip

Additional/Exchange Energies: Blackberry, Deerbrush, Dogwood, Goldenrod, Manzanita, Sunflower, Cocoa Flower

Special Instructions: Alternate flower groups daily for a minimum of three months.

Group 1– Aloe Vera, Canyon Dudleya, Forget-Me-Not, Fairy Lantern, Lotus
Group 2 – Alpine Lily, Elm, Morning Glory, Impatiens, Clematis

Avoid Need for Surgery
Special Instructions: Use for a minimum of two days.

Energies: Gorse, Sweet Chestnut

Back Pain (general)
Energies: Basil, Crab Apple, Holly, Indian Paintbrush, Manzanita

Upper Back Pain
Energies: Basil, Crab Apple, Holly, Indian Paintbrush, Manzanita, Madia

Middle Back
Energies: Basil, Crab Apple, Holly, Indian Paintbrush, Manzanita, Rock Rose, Water Violet

Lower Back
Energies: Basil, Crab Apple, Holly, Indian Paintbrush, Manzanita, Pecan, Lemon

Special Instructions: Run every other day until hair begins regrowing.

Energies: Borage, California Poppy, Pretty Face, Wheatgrass


Energies: Impatiens, Mallow, Milkweed, Morning Glory, White Kukui

Bipolar Disorder

Energies: Agrimony, Pecan, Sticky Monkeyflower, Trumpet Violet

Additional/Exchange Energies: Alpine Lily, Echinacea

Bones/Teeth Problems

Energies: Calla Lily, Forget-Me-Not, Dandelion, Mariposa Lily, Yarrow Special Formula

Additional/Exchange Energies: Shooting Star, Yarrow

Breastfeeding (improve)(baby)

Energies: Fuchsia, Rabbitbrush, Vine, Yarrow Special Formula

Additional/Exchange Energies: Willow, Yarrow

Breast Milk Production (increase)

Energies: Aloe Vera, Gorse, Red Clover, Trumpet Vine.

Special Instructions: Alternate flower groups daily for a minimum of six months.

Group 1 – Beech, Indigo, Pine, Sweet Pea, Yarrow Special Formula, Wild Oat
Group 2 – Crab Apple, Tiger Lily, Yarrow Special Formula, Yarrow

Canker Sores

Energies: California Poppy, Grapefruit, Mountain Pennyroyal, Milkweed

Cervical Ripening
Additional Information: Use three days in a row when at least 38 weeks into pregnancy to prepare for delivery.

Energies: Black Cohosh, Easter Lily, Evening Primrose

Change Unwanted Behaviors

Energies: Clematis, Rosemary, Curly Dock

Additional/Exchange Energies: Hibiscus, Madia, Pecan

Chicken Pox

Energies: Crab Apple, Impatiens, Beech, Star of Bethlehem

Chronic Fatigue
Special Instructions: Always keep Saint John’s Wort in the formula

Energies: Agrimony, Black Cohosh, Bleeding Heart, Dandelion, Saint John’s Wort

Additional/Exchange Energies: Canyon Dudleya, Hound’s Tongue, Mustard, Oregon Grape, Shooting Star, Yarrow

Clearing Negative Energy
Special Instructions: Good to use on alternate days with Obsessive Compulsive Disorder Formula

Energies: Agrimony Bluebell, Yellow Dock, Red Clover, Mustard


Energies: California Pitcher Plant, Easter Lily, Scleranthus, Yarrow

Additional/Exchange Energies: Blackberry, Dogwood, Pink Monkeyflower


Energies: Holly, Agrimony, Iris, Dandelion, Lotus

Additional/Exchange Energies: Angel’s Trumpet, Beech, Fuchsia

Creativity (increase)

Energies: Sage, Golden Yarrow, White Kukui

Crohn’s Disease

Energies: Rabbitbrush, Red Clover, Sage, Saint John’s Wort, Scarlet Monkeyflower

Additional/Exchange Energies: Black Cohosh, Goldenrod, Penstemon, Shasta Daisy, Star Tulip, Yarrow Special Formula, Yellow Star Tulip, Zinnia


Energies: Cerato, Pine, Tea Tree, White Chestnut

Special Instructions: May use up to 6 flowers in a diabetes remedy. Always keep Self-Heal in any diabetes formula.

Energies: Chestnut Bud, Oak, Self-Heal, Shasta Daisy

Additional/Exchange Energies: Beech, Cayenne, Chapparal, Impatiens, Yarrow Special Formula, Yellow Star Tulip

Digestive Gas

Energies: Mullien, Pig Squeak, Sweet Pea.

Drug Addiction

Energies: Fuchsia, Mountain Pennyroyal, Heather, Tiger Lily, Manzanita

Additional/Exchange Energies: Chestnut Bud, Honeysuckle, Nasturtium, Red Chestnut, Rock Water, Sweet Chestnut

Ear Infections

Energies: Cerato, Mariposa Lily, Lotus, Dandelion, Chrysanthemum

Additional/Exchange Energies: Cayenne, Chamomile, Nasturtium


Energies: Hound’s Tongue, Chestnut Bud, Wild Oat, Yarrow, Gentian

Additional/Exchange Energies: Beech, Chaparral, Indian Paintbrush, Trillium

Emotional Freezing

Energies: Easter Lily, Impatiens, Mountain Pride, Walnut

Additional/Exchange Energies: Golden Yarrow, Vervain, Yarrow Special Formula

Emotional Sensitivity

Energies: Angel’s Trumpet, Pine, Sagebrush, Water Violet

Additional/Exchange Energies: Angelica, Star Tulip, Sunflower

Empty-Nest Syndrome

Energies: Echinacea, Mariposa Lily, Garlic

Additional/Exchange Energies: Bleeding Heart, Goldenrod, Wild Oat)

Enhance Psychic Abilities

Energies: Olive, Rosemary, Trillium

Expand Luck and Fortune

Energies: Cerato, Oregon Grape, Saguaro, Scarlet Monkeyflower, Scleranthus

Failure to Progress (with Motor Skills)

Energies: Chestnut Bud, Pine, Water Violet, Wild Oat, Dandelion

Special Instructions: These must be called out in order listed, and you need to always use all 9 flowers.

Energies: Aloe Vera, Canyon Dudleya, Golden Yarrow, Hibiscus, Indian Paintbrush, Deerbrush, Elm, Milkweed, Dandelion

Female Reproductive Issues

Energies: Calendula, Fuchsia, Pink Monkeyflower, Pomegranate

Fertility Enhancement

Energies: Zinnia, Vine, Saquaro


Energies: Fuchsia, Lotus, Madia, Tiger Lily, Willow, Yerba Santa

Additional/Exchange Energies: Alpine Lily, Chamomile, Chicory, Deerbrush, Fawn Lily, Penstemon, Red Clover, Trumpet Vine

Flu Syndrome

Energies: Crab Apple, Gravenstein, Red Chestnut, Sweet Pea

Additional/Exchange Energies: Grapefruit, Rabbitbrush


Energies: Aloe Vera, Cayenne, Forget-Me-Not, Impatiens, Yerba Santa

Additional/Exchange Energies: Clematis, Deerbrush, Yarrow Special Formula

Fungus Infections

Energies: Crab Apple, Walnut, Water Violet, Red Chestnut

Grief Reaction (help soften)

Energies: Dill, Goldenrod, California Wild Rose, Tangerine, Thyme


Energies: California Pitcher Plant, California Wild Rose, Aloe Vera and Xanthomonas


Energies: Manzinita, Scotch Broom, Sticky Monkeyflower, Sweet Pea, Yarrow

Additional/Exchange Energies: Baby Blue Eyes, Cayenne, Dogwood, Larkspur

Holy Matrimony (find the right mate)

Energies: Sweet Chestnut, Golden Yarrow, Red Clover, Cayenne

Home Sickness

Energies: Aloe Vera, Corn, Impatiens, Filaree, Yellow Star Tulip

Hormone Imbalances

Energies: Alpine Lily, Dill, Iris Blue Flag, Tansy, Wild Oat

Hospital Exposure

Energies: Mimulus, Mugwort, Star of Bethlehem, Yarrow

Hostage Release
Special Instructions: Given to family of the hostage.

Energies: Red Chestnut, Rock Rose, Sweet Chestnut, Gorse, Rock Water

Hot Flashes

Energies: Agrimony, Mountain Pennyroyal, Echinacea

Hotel (clear hotel room of negative energies)

Energies: Black-Eyed Susan, Crab Apple, Queen Ann’s Lace, Rock Rose

Howling Dogs

Energies: Angel’s Trumpet, Beech, Iris Blue Flag, Kale


Energies: Aspen, Holly, Scleranthus, Star of Bethlahem Chicory and Vervain


Energies: Chlorella, Forget-Me-Not, Mallow, Penstemon

Additional/Exchange Energies: Cosmos, Willow

Improper Diet Selection
Special Instructions: Always keep Clematis in the formula.

Energies: Black Cohosh, Clematis, Impatiens, Lady’s Slipper (yellow), Mullein

Additional/Exchange Energies: Aloe Vera, Fuchsia, Indian Pink, Lavender, Lotus, Mariposa Lily, Quince

Improve Learning/Retention

Energies: Walnut, Chestnut Bud, Centaury, Holly, Mariposa Lily

Increase Height

Energies: Crab Apple, Hornbeam, Evening Primrose

Increase Income

Energies: Red Chestnut, Beech, Cayenne, Golden Yarrow


Energies: California Wild Rose, Mallow, Prickly Pear, Wild Oat, Yarrow Special Formula (if only Bach flowers used - Crab Apple, Rock Rose, Water Violet and Wild Oat)

Insomnia (general)
Energies: Beetroot, Borage, Gorse, Lemon, Oregon Grape

Sleep Onset Insomnia
Energies: Beetroot, Borage, Gorse, Lemon, Oregon Grape, Chamomile, Sandalwood

Sleep Disturbance Insomnia
Energies: Beetroot, Borage, Gorse, Lemon, Oregon Grape, Deerbrush

Shortened Sleep Cycle
Energies: Beetroot, Borage, Gorse, Lemon, Oregon Grape, Dogwood, Queen Anne’s Lace

Intuition Enhancement

Energies: Clematis, Goldenrod, Gravenstein, Quaking Grass, Sweet Pea


Energies: Fairy Lantern, Iris, Quince, Snapdragon, Goldenrod, Sagebrush

Additional/Exchange Energies: Curly Dock, Golden Yarrow


Energies: Angelica, Honeysuckle, Rabbitbrush, Heather, Vine

Joint Problems

Energies: Agrimony, Cayenne, Dandelion, Impatiens, Iris

Additional/Exchange Energies: Yarrow, Zinnia

Labor and Delivery

Energies: Canyon Dudleya, Easter Lily, Hound’s Tongue, Indian Pink

Additional/Exchange Energies: Pretty Face, Snapdragon, Wheatgrass

Lactation (Breast-Feeding) Problems

Energies: Chrysanthemum, Heather, Raspberry Leaf, Tomato

Special Instructions: Run every other day for minimum of 60 days.

Energies: Gorse, Willow, Crab Apple, Aloe Vera, Corn, Dandelion, Xanthamonas, Bluebell, Chaparral

Libido Balancing

Energies: Xanthomonas, Chicory, Golden Ear Drops, Calendula

Math Problems (learning)

Energies: Angel’s Trumpet, Purple Monkeyflower, Rock Water, Star Thistle, Walnut, Willow

Loose Tooth

Energies: Calendula, Indian Paintbrush, Indian Pink, Vervain, Yellow Star Tulip

Menstrual Cramps

Energies: California Poppy, Cocoa Flower

Additional/Exchange Energies: Angel’s Trumpet, Tansy, Yarrow


Energies: Fuchsia, Mountain Pride, Pumpkin, Water Violet and Yellow Star Tulip

Mole Reduction

Energies: Calla Lily, Xanthomonas

Nausea and Dizziness (Morning Sickness)

Energies: Angel’s Trumpet, Sagebrush, Vine, Wild Oat and Crab Apple


Energies: Rabbitbrush, Red Clover, Sage, Saguaro, Scotch Broom

Additional/Exchange Energies: Chestnut Bud, Golden Ear Drops, Rosemary, Trillium, Trumpet Vine

Newborn (for trauma of birth)

Energies: Star of Bethlehem, Shooting Star and Indian Pink


Energies: Aloe Vera, Alpine Lily, Quaking Grass, Yarrow Special Formula

Additional/Exchange Energies: Baby Blue Eyes, Dogwood, Saguaro

Obsessive Compulsive Disorder

Energies: Angel’s Trumpet, Basil, Beech, Olive

Additional/Exchange Energies: Golden Yarrow, Mariposa Lily, Star Tulip

Special Instructions: Always keep Impatiens in the formula

Energies: Calendula, Clematis, Gravenstein, Impatiens, Lotus, Mistletoe, Sandalwood, Self-Heal

Additional/Exchange Energies: Chrysanthemum, Baby Blue Eyes, Blackberry, Snapdragon, Yarrow, Yellow Star Tulip, Zinnia

Premenstrual Syndrome (PMS)

Energies: Green Cocoa Bean, Queen Anne’s Lace, Filaree

Poor Self-Image

Energies: Yellow Star Tulip, Mountain Pennyroyal, Lotus, Nicotiana, Canyon Dudleya

Additional/Exchange Energies: Aloe Vera, Cerato, Fuchsia, Honeysuckle

Pregnancy (acceptance and calming of)
Energies for Husband: Sunflower

Energies for Pregnant Woman: Walnut, Angelica.

Pregnancy - Cervical Ripening (preparing for delivery)

Energies: Black Cohosh, Easter Lily, Evening Primrose (best used for three days in a row, once you are at least 38 weeks into the pregnancy)

Pregnancy - Labor and Delivery
Special Instructions: Use during active labor to help calm and easy the birthing process.

Energies: Canyon Dudleya, Easter Lily, Hound’s Tongue, Indian Pink

Additional/Exchange Energies: Pretty Face, Snapdragon, Wheatgrass

Pregnancy - Morning Sickness
Special Instructions: This combination can be run multiple times a day, as required.

Energies: Angel’s Trumpet, Sagebrush, Vine, Wild Oat and Crab Apple.

Pregnancy - Newborn (for trauma of birth)

Energies: Star of Bethlehem, Shooting Star and Indian Pink

Pregnancy – Water Retention

Energies: California Pitcher Plant, Easter Lily, Mullein, Scleranthus


Energies: Agrimony, Corn, Juniper, Vervain, Xanthomonas, Echinacea

Prostate Cancer

Energies: Star of Bethlehem, Holly

Protection (from unwanted outside forces)

Energies: Wild Oat, Impatiens, Pine, Rock Water and Chestnut Bud.

Receding Gums
Special Instructions: Run every other day until gums improve.

Energies: Larch, Agrimony, Iris, Poison Oak, Trumpet Vine

Restless Leg Syndrome
Special Instructions: Always keep Heather and Cocoa Flower in the Restless Leg Syndrome formula.

Energies: Angel’s Trumpet, Echinacea, Heather, Cocoa Flower, Centaury

Additional/Exchange Energies: Bluebell, Tansy, Willow

Safe Return of a Lost/Kidnapped Loved One
Special Instructions: Run on parents/siblings/their children.

Energies: Red Chestnut, Rock Rose, Rock Water, Gorse, Sweet Chestnut

Sanpaku Eyes
Special Instructions: Use combination for 7 days, then off for 2 days, then 7 days, etc., until Sanpaku eyes improve.

Energies: Aspen, Cherry Plum, Heather, Vine, Star of Bethlehem

Additional/Exchange Energies: Water Violet.


Energies: Star of Bethlehem, Elm, Clematis, Cherry Plum, Crab Apple, Holly, Water Violet, Wild Rose, Sweet Chestnut, Aspen, Rescue energy vial


Energies: Wild Oat, Buttercup, Mariposa Lily

Sibling Rivalry

Energies: Agrimony, Heather, Mallow, Pomegranate, Trillium

Additional/Exchange Energies: Angel’s Trumpet – especially if new baby in house, Deerbrush, Fuchsia, Yerba Santa

Sleep Apnea

Energies: Chaparral, Milkweed, Pecan, Trillium, Yarrow Special Formula.

Smoking Cessation

Energies: Mustard, Vervain, Water Violet, Willow


Energies: Chestnut Bud, Chrysanthemum, Mustard, Oregon Grape, Wild Oat


Energies: Calendula, Curly Dock, Fairy Lantern, Shooting Star, Xanthomonas (Bach only flowers – Gorse, Rock Water and Walnut)

Surrogate or Proxy
Special Instructions: Before running energies surrogate or proxy for someone else, if you run Olive on yourself (all by itself) that should make the surrogate or proxy work better.

Energies: Olive

Sugar Craving
Special Instructions: Always keep Echinacea in the formula.

Energies: Echinacea, Elm, Rosemary, Yerba Santa, Zinnia

Additional/Exchange Energies: Black Cohosh, Fuchsia, Penstemon, Scotch Broom

Terminal Illness
Special Instructions: Run on family and loved ones.

Energies: Red Chestnut, Rock Rose, Gorse and Sweet Chestnut

Tumorous Growths
Special Instructions: Alternate week 1 with week 2 for 8 weeks.


Week 1 - Angel’s Trumpet, Cayenne, Filaree, Indian Paintbrush, Larch

Additional/Exchange Energies: Chestnut Bud, Yellow Star Tulip, Zinnia)
Week 2 - Alpine Lily, Cerato, Holly, Queen Anne’s Lace, Saguaro

Additional/Exchange Energies: Bleeding Heart, Goldenrod, Mountain Pennyroyal, Self-Heal, Tansy

Unrequited Love

Energies: Calla Lily, Dandelion, Milkweed, Rabbitbrush, Trillium

Urinary Issues

Energies: Agrimony, Aloe Vera, Alpine Lily, Wild Oat, Wild Rose

Additional/Exchange Energies: Clematis, Dogwood, Nasturtium, Sage, Self-Heal, Sweet Pea, Yarrow, Yarrow Special Formula, Zinnia

Vaccine Reaction

Energies: Angelica, Cayenne, Chicory, Hibiscus, St. John’s Wort

Additional/Exchange Energies: Chamomile, Chrysanthemum, Fawn Lily, Golden Yarrow, Mariposa Lily, Penstemon, Pink Yarrow

Victim Syndrome
Special Instructions: Basil and Fawn Lily should always be in the formula.

Energies: Basil, Fawn Lily, Larch, Rabbitbrush, White Chestnut, Yarrow Special Formula

Additional/Exchange Energies: Filaree, Mountain Pride, Raspberry Leaf


Energies: Scleranthus, Evening Primrose, Centaury, Cerato, Tansy, Yerba Santa

Weight Gain (desiring)

Energies: Star of Bethlehem, Sweet Chestnut, Walnut

Weight Loss (desiring)

Energies: Aspen, California Wild Rose, Iris, Mustard, Water Violet Olive, Quince, Red Chestnut and White Chestnut

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(Originally recorded ON Talkshoe, discussions Kat had WITH friends and associates, recorded before 2012, and STILL applicable today.)

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A note from one of the members: I would like to thank Kat Miller for creating this group and for sharing her huge knowledge with us. And also Rhoda Randhawa for her Energy Circles and Switchwords. They actually work. Thank you. God Bless

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Notice: Information and products provided on this site are for the sole purpose of imparting education on energy balancing and not intended to diagnose, treat, cure or prevent any disease. If you have a medical condition, please consult your physician or qualified healthcare provider.