Click here to go to current list of files linked to the Emotional Freedom vial.
Click below for Emotional Freedom File Descriptions
| A-F | G-O | P-Z |

This file helps to deal with issues/problems in the abdomen, including abdominal organs, pains, etc.

This Abdomen file contains over 57 affirmations, and below are 3 samples:

Even though I have this pain in my gut, I accept myself.
Even though I have this pain in my gut, I deeply and completely love and accept myself.
Even though I have this gut pain I can take a great deal of pleasure in just the freedom to be able to acknowledge this.

Abundance, Success, Financial Freedom and Goal Setting
This file helps remove energy blocks and emotions keeping you from achieving success, financial freedom and abundance. Also use this file for helping you to open up to the goals you want to achieve, and to find the goals that you want to set. If you have a goal you wish to set, state it when running this file. If you do not know specifics of the goal, tapping this file will help to bring focus to you. See also Creation Box for ideas on supercharging Goal Setting.

Examples for Goal Setting, say:
"Goal Setting" "get a new job"
"Goal Setting" "qualify for the tournament"
"Goal Setting" "family reunion at my place"

Regardless of how many Goals you work on at one time, they count as one (1) file, and you can still do three (3) more files, for a total of four (4) files, before "running" the vial.

You may also wish to run Wipe Your (Karmic) Debts through the Chants, Mantras, Meditations and Prayers file (run separate and alone) to enhance this file.

Aches, Pains, Accidents and Injuries
This file helps to deal with pains from accidents and injuries, as well as aches and pain of unknown origin. It also helps deal with forgiving yourself for injuries and releasing the emotions that tend to make one accident prone.

Acknowledge, Accept, Allow and Grow
This file helps you to acknowledge what is going on around you (good or bad), address, accept, and allow it. This can be a very useful file for one who feels the need to be in control of others around them, and has been unwilling to allow them to be as they choose to be. It also is for helping you to allow yourself to have the things you want in life. It is to help you grow beyond your current limitations and allow yourself and others just to be.

Acne, Rashes, Burns and Skin Problems
This file is for help in work with all kinds of skin problems. You may also want to use the Bladder, Kidney and Urinary Issues file if you have problems with dry skin, as the kidneys are responsible for water and dry skin is a water issue.

ADHD, Dyslexia and Enhanced Learning
This file helps to deal with Attention Deficit Hyperactivity Disorder (as well as Attention Deficit Disorder), behavioral problems and learning issues. It also deals with helping to increase learning abilities, including reading comprehension and retention, so it is not just for those with learning problems.

Click here for additional thoughts for dealing with ADHD.

Alcohol, Addiction, Obsessions and Compulsions
This file helps in dealing with all kinds of addictions, including alcohol, sexual, drug, food, etc. Call out the file name and addiction (if other than alcohol).  Obsession is the domination of one's thoughts or feelings by a persistent idea, image, desire, etc.  Compulsion is a strong, usually irresistible impulse to perform an act, especially one that is irrational or contrary to one's will.

Examples, say:
"Addiction" "sweets"
"Addiction" "chocolate"
"Addiction" "TV show at 5 PM"

"Obsession" "I need to keep everything in perfect order"
"Obsession" "I will get sick if I don't keep everything clean"
"Obsession" "nobody can know that I am not a perfect parent"

"Compulsion" "overeating"
"Compulsion" "need to buy frivolously"
"Compulsion" "need to control others"

Regardless of how many addictions, obsessions and/or compulsions you say at one time, it all counts as one (1) file and, you can do three (3) more files, for a total of four (4) files, before "running" the vial.

Allergies, Cancer and Terminal Illnesses
This file works with these seemingly unconnected issues, but a lot of the emotional roots are the same. If there are foods you really dislike, there’s a good chance you have an allergy to those foods. Same with feeling addicted to a food – it could be an allergy to that food. Of note, Allergies can be run on a broad category (dairy, nuts), but may also need to be done on some of the specific foods (butter, chicken). Click here for a list of additional files that may be helpful in clearing allergies.

You can work with specific allergies, say:
"Allergies" "eggs" (Replace "eggs" with the allergy you wish to clear.)
"Allergies" "dairy"(Replace "dairy" with the allergy you wish to clear.)
"Allergies" "plastic"
"Allergies" "peanut butter"

Regardless of how many allergies you work on at one time, they count as one (1) file, and you can still do three (3) more files, for a total of four (4) files, before "running" the vial.

If you still seem to be having problems with an allergy after running this file, try running the file with Reversals:
"Reversals" "Allergies" "eggs"
"Reversals" "Allergies" "wheat"
"Reversals" "Allergies" "pollen"
"Reversals" "Allergies" "almonds"
"Reversals" "Allergies" "perfume"

Regardless of how many reversals you work on at one time, they count as one (1) file, and you can still do three (3) more files, for a total of four (4) files, before "running" the vial.

Regarding the above nine (9) topic example, we have done two (2) EF files called "Allergies" and "Reversals". You can still do two (2) more files, for a total of four (4) files, before "running" the vial.

Alzheimer's, Dementia and Parkinson's
This file helps work with memory loss, tremors, rigidity, impaired balance, and other things relating to the listed conditions and "aging" problems.

Important Note: Aspartame poisoning may mimic symptoms of Alzheimer's, please remove all artificial sweeteners from the diet.

Animal Behavior Issues
This file helps to get to the bottom of animal behavior issues to help clear them. This file may also be useful for a person who has a problem with a particular animal’s behavior. Most pets have been abandoned - abandoned by their Mother, because one clue is that the animal was in an animal shelter. Do EF vial proxy for animals or put EF vial near animal’s chest and call out file.  Any and all EF files can be used on animals.

Ankylosing Spondylitis, Scoliosis and Other Back Issues
This file helps when dealing with back problems and pains.

Important Note: Not drinking enough water and/or eating enough protein may be part of the issue.

Aortic Regurgitation/Bicuspid Aortic Valve
This file works with anomalies in the heart.

Arthritis, Joint Pain, Inflammation and Swelling
This file works with joint and bone issues and pain.

Important Note: Not drinking enough water and/or eating enough protein may be part of the issue.

Astrological Imbalances, Karmic Patterns and Bad Luck
This file helps quell issues brought on by movements of the astrological elements and karmic patterns, including overcoming karmic debt, cause and effect from the past, repentance and forgiveness. It also works to help change bad luck.

Bladder, Kidney and Urinary Issues
This file works with bladder, kidney and urinary issues. If you have dry skin, it may be a kidney issue.

Bones, Teeth, Gums and Dental Caries
This file works with the bones, teeth, dental caries (cavities), and any dental/mouth issues, including gums. Being indecisive can also have an effect on bones and teeth, so other files that may be useful to work with when dealing with bones and teeth include Information Overload, Decision Making & Improving Insight; Taking Responsibility, Reclaiming Own Power & Releasing Blame and as Saturn rules bones, teeth, joints and old age, Astrological Imbalances, Karmic Problems & Bad Luck.

See also this article for using My Own File___ to work help work on tooth abscesses and rejuvenation of teeth and gums.

Butterfly Effect, Modified Organisms and Fazed Debris
The butterfly effect refers to sometimes very tiny, seemingly insignificant or unrelated events and circumstances contributing to enormous changes in outcomes. Modified organisms include foods which have been genetically altered, refined foods which have had elements removed and/or added, etc., which are foreign to the body. Fazed debris are elements that may be affecting your health such as dust from meteorites and space particles, as well as other things that your body might be reacting to in your environment such as flotsam and jetsam. This file is to help you deal with daily encounters with the butterfly effect, modified organisms and fazed debris.

Chakra Balancing and Clearing Aura and Energy Meridian Blocks
Use this file when you aren’t sure what is wrong, you just feel things are not quite right. It is to help work to balance your chakras and clear blocks in your energy meridians. It may be a good idea to follow this file with the Increasing Energy Flow file.

Changing Unwanted Behaviors and Habits
Use this file to help break habits and behaviors you don’t want to continue with. Say the behavior/habit you wish to change, and if you wish to, replace with another, positive behavior or habit you would like to have. A positive replacement is not required, but can be helpful.

Examples, say:
"Changing Unwanted Behaviors" "eating too many sweets"
"Changing Unwanted Behaviors" "slumping posture" "standing proud and tall"
"Changing Unwanted Habits" "constant worrying" "calm, content, relaxed mind"
"Changing Unwanted Habits" "sleeping late every morning" "awakening early with energy and enthusiasm, ready to start my day"

Note: I generally like to add a positive replacement for an unwanted behavior (in one example above I used "calm content relaxed mind") because as a space is cleared, something else will fill it. Purposely and specifically filling the space with positive energies helps prevent other unwanted energies from expanding into it.

Regardless of how many behaviors/habits you work on at one time, they count as one (1) file, and, you can do three (3) more files, for a total of four (4) files, before "running" the vial (in the above examples the second quote is the undesired behavior/habit, for example “sleeping in late” and third quote is the corresponding preferred habit/behavior, for example “awakening early with energy and enthusiasm…,” not file names).

Chants, Mantras, Meditations and Prayers (CMMP)
(click here for more detailed information on this file)

By itself this single file counts as 4 files and should be run alone, separate from other files. Use this file to put any Chant, Mantra, Meditation or Prayer you want into your energy field. The default is one round, exactly 108 times. To run this file, say the file name (or part of the file name unique to this file), followed by number of rounds you wish to have run (optional), and number of times you wish the Chant, Mantra, Meditation or Prayer to be repeated per round (optional), then the Chant, Mantra, Meditation or Prayer you wish to run.

Examples say:
"Chants, Mantras, Meditations & Prayers" (has minimal benefits as no Chant, Mantra or Prayer is called)
(Run vial)
"Chants" "Creator"
(runs Chant of the primal vibration from which all creativity flows, defaults to running 108 times)
(Run vial)
"Mantras" "3 rounds" "Mantra for wealth" (runs Mantra for wealth 324 times = 108 times per round x 3 rounds)
(Run vial)
"Chants, Mantras, Meditations & Prayers" "500 rounds" "100 times per round" "Spiritual Cleansing Prayer"
(Runs Spiritual Cleansing Prayer 50, 000 times = 500 rounds x 100 times per round)
(Run vial)

You can also recite a custom or existing Chant, Mantra, Meditation or Prayer once, then run the vial to have it repeated for you.

For example, say:
"Mantras" "20 rounds" "SO-HUM"
(Runs the Soham Mantra of “SO-HUM” 2160 times = 20 rounds x 108 times per round)
(Run vial)

Note: In the above examples, the Chants, Mantras, Meditations & Prayers file was run a total of five (5) times. The vial was also run five (5) times. The vial was run after calling each Chant, Mantra or Prayer.

Clearing Negative Energy and Improving Self Image
This file works with negative feelings you have about yourself and others, life, anything, and also works with helping improve your self image. It also helps keep you from feeling and reacting to the negative energies put off by others.

Constricted Breathing, Asthma, Cough and Respiratory Issues
This file deals with breathing issues, including asthma, anxiety, chest feeling tight, shock, impaired lung capacity, etc. It also works with life constrictions such as helping to clear blocks that are holding you back, inhibiting you and narrowing your choices.

Correct Self-Destruct, Suicidal Thoughts and Self-Rejection
Use this file to help release emotions and experiences bringing about self-destructive behaviors and habits, help release suicidal thoughts, and to rejection of self.

Creation Box
Your Creation Box is an "energy box." It’s full of the specific things you want - like health, wealth and happiness. It’s full of things you are creating and want to have in your life. Embrace the things that thrill you, the things that you give praise to and, the things you really appreciate in your life. Fill your "energy Creation Box" by running this file while: thinking about things, or looking at pictures, or other representations you want to manifest in your life. In addition, to an "energy Creation Box" you can augment (grow, increase) this file by having a "physical Creation Box", like a banker’s box with a cover, in which you put pictures, doodles, scribbles, words, brochures, tickets, symbols, images from a magazine, and representations you are wanting to manifest in your life. Watch how the universe unfolds in front of you by orchestrating the ideal rendezvous between yourself and your desires. You can combine the file "Creation Box" with other files by putting other files into the "Creation Box." In particular I have found that you can combine the file "Creation Box" with the file "Goal Setting."  Click here to read more about making a physical Creation Box.

A one topic example, you say:
"Creation Box" "Goal Setting" "I now weigh _ pounds" and then you have the option to put something into your "physical Creation Box," then run the vial.

A multiple topic example, you say:
"Creation Box" "Goal Setting" "My life is meaningful" (and put picture in box)
"Creation Box" "Goal Setting" "Now I have _ and it feels fabulous" (and put image in box)
"Creation Box" "Goal Setting" "I now have $ _" (and check written to self in box)

"Creation Box" "Goal Setting" "I create a safe zone, an inner paradigm, to effectively
navigate the currents of modern society" (and put scribbles in box)

"Creation Box" "Goal Setting" "I transform my experience of society by reclaiming
ownership of my sense of: validation, meaningfulness, & personal values" (and put doodles in box)

"Creation Box" "Goal Setting" "I now do delicious things for myself as a means to
cultivate more of my time and reflect upon nature’s beauty" (and put image in box)

"Creation Box" "Goal Setting" "Now I am more productive, stronger, healthier physically, psychologically and mentally & this feels fantastic, my life is meaningful" (and put memo in box)

So in the above multiple-topic example, we have done one (1) EF file called "Creation
Box" with seven (7) different topics. You can still do three (3) more files, for a total of four (4) files, before "running" the vial.

Click here to read what people are saying about the Creation Box

Depression, Anger, Stress and Anxiety
This file addresses the emotions stated and physical states associated.

Dreams, Positive Spiritual Awakening and Creative Source
This file is to help deal with dreams and nightmares. It is to help release the emotions causing nightmares, and help you to interpret your dreams. This file is also to help reconnect you with your Inner Being, awaken your spirituality and get in touch with who-you-really-are.

Eating Disorders
This file deals with bulimia, anorexia, and other eating disorders.

Endocrine, Lymphatic and Sensory Problems
This file works with the endocrine system, including glands like thyroid, parathyroid, thymus, pituitary, adrenals, etc., as well as hormones. It also works with lymphatic system, including the thymus, spleen, tonsils, lymph, lymph nodes, lymphatic vessels, lymphocytes, and bone marrow, and with sensory problems as well.

Enhancing Meditation, Relaxation and Enlightenment
Use this file to help increase your ability to visualize, meditate, relax and become more enlightened.

Environmental Elements
This file deals with issues related to your environment, including emotional and physical environment.

Erectile Dysfunction, Premature Ejaculation and Male Problems
This file deals with male reproductive issues, including problems listed above, male infertility, undescended testicles, etc.

Evolving Variations
Use this file to help create Cognitive Shifts. If you’re having difficulty getting results with files directly related to the issues at hand, and you have tried putting the files in the Reversals and/or with the Release file, use this file to help remove the emotional need to return to the state which brought on the conditions being addressed. This file can be run alone, with another file (or free-form issue) and/or with Reversals and/or with Release. Also use this file when the problem seems to be shifting, i.e., there was a headache and when that cleared pain in the chest began, and upon clearing that an earache started, etc.

A multiple topic example, say:
"Evolving Variations" (run the file alone)
"Evolving Variations" "Headaches" (put the Headaches file into the Evolving Variations file because of recurrent headaches)

"Evolving Variations" "Allergies" "perfume" (put the Allergies file into the Evolving Variations file)

"Evolving Variations" "Reversals" "Allergies" "perfume" (put the Reversals & Allergies files into the Evolving Variations file)

"Evolving Variations" "Release" "Allergies" "perfume" (put the Release & Allergies files into the Evolving Variations file)

The above multiple topic example counts as 1 (one) EF file called "Evolving Variations" with 5 (five) different topics. You can still say 3 (three) more files, for a total of four (4) files, before "running" the vial. (See Tip 10 at end of document.)

What is being said about Evolving Variations:
I wanted to mention that since I began using 'Evolving Variations-Reversals' before the other files, espcially the Fixing Things file, I've been noticing more IMPROVEMENT! Previously I usually used Reversals or Evolving Variations but not together.

This file works with any problems in the extremities, including the arms, legs, shoulders, hips, hands, feet & joints.

Eyes, Vision Correction, Improving Insight and Perception
Use this file to help clear eye, vision, insight and perception issues. It works with nearsightedness (near objects seen more clearly than distant objects), and farsightedness (distant objects seen more clearly than near objects). Use this file to help night blindness, color blindness and color saturation (how vibrant the colors are and distinguishing similar shades) issues, as well as perceptual problems. It works with many kinds of eye issues. When having difficulty getting good insight into a situation, use this file to help clarify things.

You may also wish to run Mantras for Eyes through the Chants, Mantras, Meditations and Prayersfile (run separate and alone) to enhance the effects of this file.

Family, Friends and Social Situations
This file deals with emotions and situations related to family and friends, including relationships with siblings and parents, as well as social situations such as parties, work, etc.

Fear and Phobias
This file deals with all kinds of fears and phobias.

Fear of Disease, Hypochondria
This file deals with a person’s fear of catching diseases and illnesses, as well as hypochondria.

Fibromyalgia, Chronic Fatigue and Chronic Pain
This file deals with symptoms and problems relating to fibromyalgia and chronic fatigue, including malaise, decreased energy, body aches, etc.

Fixing Electronics, Inanimate Objects and Things
Use this file when you’re frustrated with something that is not working properly for you – your computer, radio, car, etc. It may help you diagnose the problem, or possibly even make the problem disappear on its own. This also may be helpful in cutting down/eliminating spam e-mail, junk mail and unwanted sales calls. One does not need to get complex and confused in their thinking with the vial (or even EFT), as the vial and body recognize what is negative and what is positive by vibration and handles things accordingly, releasing negatives and accepting positives. Keep it simple – just speak as it comes to you & let the body deal with it.

Examples for Fixing Electronics, say:
"Fixing Electronics" "TV is on the blink"
"Fixing Electronics" "this clock quit working"
"Fixing Electronics" "computer runs smoothly"

Examples for Fixing Inanimate Objects, say:
"Fixing Inanimate Objects" "car won’t start"
"Fixing Inanimate Objects" "toilet is plugged up"

Examples for Fixing Things, say:
"Fixing Things" "I need help"
"Fixing Things" "communications" (you’re not being understood or understanding someone)
"Fixing Things" "I am now being heard"
"Fixing Things" "coordinating this event"

Regardless of how many electronics, inanimate objects and/or things you work on at one time, they count as one (1) file, and, you can do three (3) more files, for a total of four (4) files, before "running" the vial.

Flying, Altitude Changes, Jet Lag and Timing Issues
This file is to help you adjust for time zone changes and anything else that has your inner clock out of kilter. It also deals with exposures one has when flying (radiation, recirculated air, crossing magnetic lines, etc.) and altitude changes.

Frustration, Pessimism, Irritation and Impatience
This file is to help clear these and similar negative emotions and energy blocks causing problems throughout the body.

Click here to go to current list of files linked to the Emotional Freedom vial.
Click below for Emotional Freedom File Descriptions
| A-F | G-O | P-Z |

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Notice: Information and products provided on this site are for the sole purpose of imparting education on energy balancing and not intended to diagnose, treat, cure or prevent any disease. If you have a medical condition, please consult your physician or qualified healthcare provider.